All about editing with SysEdit

What is SysEdit used for?

SysEdit Customers are from all walks of work. There are programmers, systems administrators, managers, sales reps and engineers. Each has found one or more facets that make text and data editing easier and faster.

  • Software Development
  • Editing column oriented data files
  • Editing column oriented reports wider than your screen
  • Editing binary files, executables, directories
  • Complex search and extract of data
  • Making peace (for new user with the "I hate vi" attitude)
  • Automatic Batch/Stream Editing groups of files

    What does SysEdit feel like?

    SysEdit is designed to feel like a word processor while in SCREEN mode and feel like a mainframe or mini-computer command based line editor while in EDIT mode.

    Full Screen Editing

    SysEdit allows resizable GUI windows of up to 300 characters wide by 200 characters high. The optional STATUS LINE shows the current file name, line number, column position, INSERT or REPLACE status and an R if you are recording a macro or an M if a macro is available for playback.
    000000001 000000002 000000003 000000004 000000005 000000006 000000007
    000000008 000000009 000000010 000000011 000000012 000000013 000000014
    000000015                               000000019 000000020 000000021
    000000022      000000020 000000021      000000026 000000027 000000028
    000000029      000000027 000000028      000000033 000000034 000000035
    000000036      000000034 000000035      000000040 000000041 000000042
    000000043      000000041 000000042      000000047 000000048 000000049
    000000050      000000048 000000049      000000054 000000055 000000056
    000000057                               000000061 000000062 000000063
    000000064 000000065 000000066 000000067 000000068 000000069 000000070
    000000071 000000072 000000073 000000074 000000075 000000076 000000077
    000000078 000000079 000000080 000000081 000000082 000000083 000000084
    000000085 000000086 000000087 000000088 000000089 000000090 000000091
    LINE=1          COL=1         INSERT   R FN=TEMP

    Along with standard cursor movement, SysEdit provides a simple interface to perform word, block and column manipulation. Auto-indentation, tab to space conversion and record and playback functions are also provided.

    Create and customize your own Keystroke Macros from combinations of key functions, edit commands and text. You can then bind them to any desired key.

    Key functions from the list below can be bound to any desired key on your keyboard as long as the key puts out an escape sequence. Bind only the key functions you need for your environment to simplify new user transition. You can easily bind more later.

      <==== Cursor Movement ====>    <= MODE CHANGE =>  <== CONTROL ==>                                                
      BKSP_ERASE     CRSR_BOF          SCREEN_TOGGLE      ABORT         
      FIND_MATCH     CRSR_END          EDIT_MODE          COMMAND       
      TAB_RIGHT      CRSR_EOL          LINE_MODE          END_LINE      
      TAB_LEFT       CRSR_EOF          SCREEN_MODE        HELP          
      CRSR_UP        CRSR_PGUP         INSERT_TOGGLE      OOPS          
      CRSR_DOWN      CRSR_PGDN         INSERT             REPEAT_COMMAND
      CRSR_RIGHT     CRSR_WORDLEFT     REPLACE            TABSET        
      CRSR_LEFT      CRSR_WORDRIGHT                       TOSS_CHAR     
      CRSR_HOME      CRSR_PGLEFT                          XEQ_OBJECT    
      CRSR_BOL       CRSR_PGRIGHT   
      <== DELETE ==>   <= BLOCK/COLUMN =>  <= DUPLICATE =>
       BKSP_ERASE        MOVE_BLOCK           DUP_CHAR
       DELETE_CHAR       COPY_BLOCK           DUP_FIELD

    How can simple commands do complex edits?

    Edit mode commands are used while in EDIT mode. Like UNIX, each command is simple. The combination of commands provides the real power.

    As an example, the find command will find a string in a specific column. The following command will find the next line in the file with the Bellevue, Washington Zip code (98005) in column 120.

             find(120) 98005
    The delete command will delete 1 or more lines. (1 is default).
    The following macro will delete all lines in the file with 98005 in column 120.
             f(120) 98005;d;*
    Note: Both commands were abbreviated! (Why type all that extra stuff?) The commands were separated by a semi-colon (;). The final command * was added to tell SysEdit to repeat the previous commands until the end of the file.

    As you can see, Edit commands can be combined into Macros. They can also can be saved into and executed from external files.

    Following is a list of commands available. Each can be abbreviated to the upper case characters beginning the command. This powerful "USER FRIENDLY" set of commands allows complex file modification without the need for knowledge of high level languages like C or LISP. Compiling, spooling and other external shell commands can also be executed while in a session.

    File Positioning Commands
        Bottom  Find    Locate  Next    POint   SEarch  Top
    Line Modification Commands
        Append  Change  Gmodify Join    Modify  OOps    Overlay
    File Modification Commands
        COpy    Delete  DUnload IBefore Insert  LOAd    MOVe
        BCOLumn CCOLumn DCOLumn MCOLumn
    Screen Editor Control/Display Commands
        BInd    BRief   EDit    FILe    FName   Help    KEYdef
        LInesz  LOG     MODE    PAgesz  PPrint  Print   PSymbol   
        QForget Quit    SAve    SHell   Symbol  TABset  Unload
        Verify  Where   Xeq     *       /*

    SysEdit's Simple Setup and Configuration

    Installation and configuration is quick and easy! A simple configuration program guides you through customizing SysEdit for your environment. It asks you all the right questions and configures things like auto-indentation, tab/space replacement, soft tab stops, status line display, etc.

    Keyboard mapping is also done using this setup program. There are over 50 key functions that can be mapped to your favorite key or combined to make "key-macros" to save time.

    You can set up individual key-maps for each user or use one standard key-map for your whole site.

    Because of this flexibility, SysEdit can be made to feel like your favorite word processor or like a mainframe editor you have used before.

    What can SysEdit edit?

    SysEdit can edit text and binary files of up to 150 MB each. Any lines that exceed 5096 bytes are split and re-joined when the file is saved. When editing binary files, non-display characters are shown in octal representation with a ^ followed by a three digit octal number.

    How do I learn to use SysEdit?

    New user tutorials and Online Help introduce and teach SysEdit functionality. A cookbook approach takes the mystery out of learning and a clear, concise 150 page manual has detailed descriptions and examples to teach all aspects of the software.

    Information Systems Technologies also sends out email to registered users about new functionality and "tricks of the trade".

    On site classes are available for customers who want to really get the most out of configuring and using SysEdit.

    SysEdit provides an environment of efficient power

    SysEdit is tuned to work closely with your file system and memory and insure lightning fast response to any request or command. SysEdit instantly positions to any line in the file and has the fastest multi-string text search available! You can use SysEdit for INTERACTIVE (manual) or STREAM (automatic batch) sessions. STREAM sessions automatically process one or more files from within shell scripts or from the command line.

    What platforms will SysEdit work on?

    SysEdit for UNIX Version 3.5 runs on:

  • Sparc Solaris 1.x (SunOS 4.1.x)
  • Sparc Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x)
  • Intel Solaris 2.x
  • Intel Interactive Unix
  • HP9000 PA/RISC HPUX 9.x
  • IBM RS6000 AIX
  • Data General AViiON DGUX

    Please call if you need SysEdit for another platform.

    SysEdit will run on:

        ASCII terminals
        PC terminal emulators
        Xwindow's xterms
        Openwindow's xterm, shelltool and cmdtool windows
        Sunview's shelltool and cmdtool windows
    SysEdit can also be used over a modem or network.

    A partial list of who is using SysEdit

          A.C. Neilsen,  Boeing Computer,  Bose,  City of Tacoma,
           City of Yakima, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
                Manitoba Hydro, MAPPCOR, Minnesota Power,
        Minkota Power, Morningside College, NOAA, National Geodetic
     Survey, Ohio State University, Orange County, Paschen Contractors,
      Providence Hospital, Scotia Group, Singer, Software Technologies
     Group, Southwest Foundation, Spectra Physics, State of Washington,
         TRW, University of California, University of Pennsylvania,
         U.S Geological Survey, Walker Research, Washington Dental,
             Wells Fargo Bank, Wisconsin Power and Light.

    How do I contact Information Systems Technologies?

    Information Systems Technologies
    13621 S.E. 19th St.
    Bellevue, WA 98005

    Phone (425) 644-7441 Fax (425) 649-9007